While the members present endured lots of rain and changing conditions throughout the day, fishing was very good overall. Every one of the 15 anglers weighed in a 5 -fish limit. Rick Putnam secured his first club win with a weight of 13.43 lbs, followed by Anthony Curcurito second with 12.36 lbs and Briar Murtlow third with 11.87 lbs. Lunker fish was a 4.52 lb largemouth caught by Mike Leskowsky and second lunker was a 4.37 Largemouth caught by Rick Putnam. It is not a surprise to see that one big fish is what is needed to win a tournament on this lake.
Welcome to Thatcher and Robrt Deyoe who did well in their first club tournament. I hope that they both had an enjoyable day despite the bad weather, and we look forward to seeing them at our next tournament at Ticonderoga.
Welcome to Thatcher and Robrt Deyoe who did well in their first club tournament. I hope that they both had an enjoyable day despite the bad weather, and we look forward to seeing them at our next tournament at Ticonderoga.