To start the final tournament of 2022, we had a tight race for Angler of the Year between Gene Lavigne, Rick Putnam and Briar Murtlow. The results of another tough day of fishing on Saratoga consists of Anthony Curcurito finishing in first with 12.38 pounds, Rick LeBlanc in second with 11.26 pounds and George Locke with 10.84 pounds. Gene Lavigne finished in 4th with 10.31 pounds to secure his first title of Angler of the Year! Rick Putnam held his own and managed to finish as top co-angler for the 2022 season.
On August 14 the club held a points tournament on southern Lake Champlain at Ticonderoga. Sixteen members and one prospective member fished in tough August conditions, but a few managed to catch good limits of fish. Anthony Curcurito won with 16.64 Lbs. followed by Gene Lavigne 2nd with 15.43Lbs.
and Al Maher in 3rd with place with 14.76lbs. Lunker of the tournament was a 4.68lb largemouth brought in by veteran angler Charlie Curcurito. Going into the last points tournament of the year, Rick Putnam and Gene Lavigne are leading the points race for Angler of the Year with a tie, and Rick Putnam is solidly leading the race for the Co-Angler of the Year. In the history of the club, the Angler of the Year has never been won by a co-angler! On Sunday August 8 we had 19 anglers competing on Saratoga Lake on a very hot day with lots of boat traffic.
The lake is subject to a lot of fishing pressure, and this showed itself in our results. While 16 of the 19 anglers had 5 fish limits, the weights were disappointing. Paul Pflieger was the tournament winner with 12.72 lbs, with Joe Curcurito finishing second with 10.62 lbs and Briar Murtlow third with 10.51lbs. Lunker winner was Al Maher with a 3.98 lb largemouth. With 2 points tournaments remaining in the 2022 season, the overall points leader and co-angler leader is Rick Putnam. The club traveled to Lake Champlain (Rouses Pt) for a 2-day tournament on July 16 & 17. Fishing was excellent and for the most part wind conditions were favorable. There were a lot of boats all over the lake both days and multiple tournaments, There was a mix of smallmouth and largemouth bass caught and the winner for 2 days was Elisha Flint with 33.37lbs. Second place was Briar Murtlow with 31.69 lbs and third was Anthony Curcurtio with 28.54 lbs. Current yearly standings show Elisha Flint in the lead with Gene Lavigne trailing. The back of the boat angler leader is Rick Putnam and he is in 3rd place overall, right on the heels of Gene Lavigne.
On top of the slow bite, the heat made for a long day on the water. While we faced some tough conditions with the weather turning hot quickly, Elisha showed us that it is possible to overcome the conditions and come out a winner. Elisha finished the day with 11.57 lbs. Close behind him was Bob Richard with 11.16 lbs, followed by Gene Lavigne with 10.96 lbs. Nick Sarchioto caught his personal best with an impressive 6.67 lbs largemouth. A surprise for this lake, and it will be a hard mark to overcome during the rest of the season.
![]() On June 12 the club held their first bass tournament of the year at Lake Bomoseen VT. 18 anglers were faced with constantly changing sky conditions on a small lake that had been the location of another tournament the day before. While the overall weights were disappointing, as always somebody finds them and catches them! Jim Greeley led the field with a 14.28 lb. limit with Paul Pflieger second with 12.88 lbs. and Briar Murtlow 3rd with 11.87 lbs. Mike Plonka weighed in a beautiful 5.82 lb. lunker to seize the day!
Results Congratulations to Elisha Flint who wrapped up the tournament season with a win on Schroon and put him in 1st place for our angler of the year title we call Bassman! Elisha came in with the only limit of fish out of the whole group which weighed in at 11.91 lbs. Coming in second was Al Maher with 9.29 lbs and in third was Briar Martlow with 4.7 pounds. Way to tough out a grinder gentlemen!
Results Photos The President and VP get it done at Cossayuna! Congratulations to Paul Pflieger and Frank Rossetti on an impressive win weighing in at 16.36 lbs. Congratulations to the team of Charlie and Joe Curcurito and the team of Mike and Bob Plonka earning the 2nd and 3rd positions with 11.87 and 11.43 lbs respectively.
Results Photos On September 19 David Black again demonstrated his mastery of Lake Champlain South with his second win of the year on that body of water. On what would prove to be a very tough day of fishing David blew the field away with a winning bag of 18.13 pounds! Second place was taken by Bob Richard with 13.39 pounds and third was Joe Curcurito with 11.22 pounds-enough to put him in the lead in the Angler of the Year Race. To Show how tough fishing conditions were, there were only 4 limits caught and out of 19 anglers, 6 of us were not even able to catch a single keeper. While the weather was good and mother nature cooperated by not giving us the expected fog delay, the fish continued their refusal to cooperate with us.
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